partners in healing


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Partners in Healing” is William Collinge's fourth book. His insights flow from his experiences as a researcher and consultant in behavioral medicine and caregiving. His research receives prestigious funding from three of the institutes of the National Institutes of Health. The book is arranged in seven Parts: each part divided into minichapters. I found the book to be a wonderful handbook on how to provide comfort to a loved one using, for the most part, rationale strategies, and at the same time, making sure that you, as the caregiver, stay healthy and strong - physically and emotionally. Parts One and Two (“Putting Yourself First” and “Building a Network of Support”) contain critical advice and strategy for sustaining yourself and your network of resources. I particularly liked Part Three which deals with massage - “conveying presence and compassionate intention through touch”. The explanations and guidance, here, are outstanding. I confess to some difficulties with Parts Four and Five which deal with energy and healing. I am trained as a cell and molecular biologist and can not understand the flow of intangible energies between people, sometimes over great distances. But then skeptics must have said the same thing about radio waves, years ago. Parts Six and Seven (“Affirmative Communication” and “Simple Gifts”) contain gems that we can all use, every day. Indeed, this book provides “Simple ways to offer support, comfort, and care to a loved one..... ” period - whether your loved one is facing an illness, or not. Collinge makes continual references to the heart: first as a vital physiological organ, but also as our metaphorical source of devotion, love, and emotional strength. While “Hands are extensions of your heart”, so too are our lips extensions in expressing our (heart-felt) thoughts. You don't need to wait until a loved one is ill to discover this book."
– D. Irwin


About the Book Partners in Healing

The Book

About the DVD Touch, Caring and Cancer

Instructional Video Program

About the Music for Partners in Healing
